Tag: Harajuku 

18 Nov 2018

Try Biotar 58mm with film! Biotar is sure to fit! in Harajuku Cat Street

Film Camera

From the experience of film so far, I feel that the lens of silver form is compatible with film camera. [ – ]


10 Aug 2018

A stable all-purpose old lens Pancolar 50mm. How does it feel on the film? in Harajuku Cat Street

Film Camera

Pancolar 50mm is not a big feature, but it can be recommended lens as an old lens of standard angle [ – ]


03 Jul 2018

Try describing the Industar-61 50 mm with a film camera! Does star blur get out neatly? in Harajuku

Film Camera

 It is a conclusion earlier. The star blur in film cameras is considerably more difficult than shooting with digital [ – ]