Category: Meyer-Optik Görlitz 

26 Jun 2022

I couldn’t see the shooting point of bubble blur, anyway I walked in Mitsukoshimae with Trioplan 50mm.

Digital Camera

I remembered when I saw the station “Mitsukoshimae” on the way to Kiyosumi Shirakawa last time. When I was young, [ – ]


20 Jan 2019

【おすすめのオールドレンズ!中級編7本】 使い勝手、コスパ、描写特性などから考える選び方!

Digital Camera, , , Film Camera

なんとか7本に絞りました。メイヤーやシュナイダーのレンズも入れ込めていいバランスに出来たのではと。 前回の初心者・万人にオススメレンズ4本と合わせて参考にしてもらえたらと思います。 本日のアジェンダ 『東京ぶら街写真。』が勧める中級編オールドレンズ達! ・ ↓ M42マウント編5本 ・ ↓ L39マウント編2本 今回はM42マウントの他に、1960年代ぐらいまで支流だったL39マウントのレンズも少し紹介しています。 L39マウントのレンズは、M42マウントのレンズに比べ使い勝手こそ少し落ちるものの、ビンテージらしい写りや味わい深い外観なども面白みがあり、オールドレンズに慣れてきたら是非試していただきたい領域と思います。 オススメのM42マウント_中級編 レンズ名 画角 絞り 一言特徴 最短 撮影距離 製造もと [ – ]


22 Oct 2018

Continued Primagon 35mm with filmcamera, tone expression of Primagon in Aoyama, Gaienmae

Film Camera

Good, good, a good idea! probably, it is not due to mind “Is it better for older lenses to be [ – ]



19 Oct 2018

Rich contrast Primagon 35mm, film camera and downtown in Ameyoko, Omotesando

Film Camera

A wonderful contrast and sharp feeling that does not feel the age. In my semi-wide-angle lens, Primagon 35mm came to [ – ]


07 Oct 2018

Consider Trioplan 50mm bubble blur! such as distance and contrast.

Film Camera
Consider Trioplan 50mm bubble blur!  such as distance and contrast.

I organized the inside of the my computer. Because the big work was finish. Then, I found some pictures of [ – ]


28 Apr 2018

Meyer-Optik Golden-period lens Telefogar 90mm. Deep contrast and pleasant saturation feeling are fun / in Daikanyama

Telegfogar has shown a good depiction at portrait. Someday I wanted to use it in the street shooting, but I [ – ]


06 Jan 2018

Primotar 50mm. Walking from Shinjuku from January 1st. I will walk this year too!

“Meyer Optik” Recently, it is a lens that shows the tasteful depiction. When I was walking towards Yoyogi centering on [ – ]


25 Nov 2017

Primagon F4.5 35mm of Mayer optik’s golden age in Chofu, Jindaiji

Primagon F4.5 35mm

I think that the lens of the silver lens barrel from the end of the 50’s to the beginning of [ – ]


30 Jul 2017

Portrait vol.4 1/2-White, Sonnar 135mm, Biometar 80mm, Telefogar 90mm, Jupiter-8 50mm etc

Digital Camera

I had a chance to take portraits, so I tried out various old lenses that I could sell literally. We [ – ]


03 Jul 2017

All Mayer lenses have good cost & performance !? Meyer-Optik Görlitz Orestegon 29mm F2.8 in Ogikubo

Digital Camera

The Orestegon 29mm is one of the less informative lenses in Meyer-optik, which has no other prominent lens other than [ – ]


17 May 2017

Trioplan 50mm, not just bubble blur! the dark part is nice, in Chitose Karasuyama

Digital Camera

The Trioplan 50mm became my favorite lens at once because it showed a wonderful portrait in a portrait a while [ – ]


29 Apr 2017

Prestige Meyer-optik Oreston 50 mm. In addition to lenses that are inexpensive and often seen OK! in Sangenjaya

This time there is a sorrow feeling in the thing that the lens manufacturer’s company “Meyer-Optik Görlitz” was absorbed, the [ – ]


11 Apr 2017


オールドレンズのレンズ清掃と必要な道具 紹介。無理のない範囲で無難にオーバーホール。

eBayで落札したレンズが、商品説明と違いレンズにカビや汚れが目立つ品でした。 最近問題がある商品が届いてなかったので「お、届いた、sellerに連絡だ。Thanks a lot!」 なんて愚かにもレンズ状態を見ずにfeedbackをしてしまったのと、安価なレンズを返品するのもコスパ(送料はこっち持ち)を考えると億劫で、少し考えた末、記事にもできそうだし久々にレンズ清掃をがっちりやってみることにしました! このOrestonを題材にレンズ清掃の仕方や必要な道具などの解説いたします。 見えますかね〜 小さい糸の塊のようなやつ。完全にカビです。 レンズとメーカー紹介 Meyer-Optik Görlitz ORESTON 50mm F1.8 レンズの描写などについては街撮りの記事がありますのでこちらでどうぞ。 Meyer-opitikの手頃でそれなりに写るらしい評判のレンズ。 のちにPentacon銘柄で発売されていたりもする歴史の影響が色濃いレンズです。 本日の格致日新 ・ ↓ [ – ]


05 Jul 2016

Trioplan 50mm F2.9 has bubble blur could be enjoy easily.

Digital Camera

Lens introduction A company that Meyer-Optik has reactivated with Trioplan 100mm since 2014. this lense can be bubble blur shooting. [ – ]


15 Apr 2016

The Versatile Medium Telephoto Lens Orestor 100mm F2.8 / Meyer-Optik

Digital Camera

Lenses and manufacturer The manufacture is a long established corporation Meyer-Optik Görlitz which has produced Trioplan that is famous for [ – ]