12 Jul 2016神無月

Depiction of a large standard lens, Steinheil Munchen Culminar 135mm F4.5*

Digital Camera

Lens and manufacturer introduction

Steinheil seems to be a German manufacturer with an old history, and it seems there was also a time when Zeiss and Leica lined up their shoulders.

Steinheil Munchen Culminar 135mm/F4.5, Leica L, about 1955

However, the information on the web is also small.

Well what is it like the first Steinheil Lennons?

Today’s Agenda

· Try one of the lesser lenses that I have not posted with my old Old lens
· Try the possibility of medium telephoto 135mm in a place with depth. This time around Shinjuku Central Park and the Tamagawa river.

Line depiction, color taste

Very straightforward soft line.

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The shadow part becomes shallow, it feels like Helios 44 or Jupiter – 9, but the depiction of the line is the impression that Culminar is cheeky.

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By the way, when I took a turtle before, I gradually approached it, I felt like I was belligerent?
Maybe you think you can get food.

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I feel like a clear thing such as metal reflected in software.

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I focused on the construction site F8 here. It is reflected in the relaxed impression because the line is so soft, but this day was a summer day, it was a day that it was quite like getting entangled with humidity.
If it is a picture, it looks like a cool construction site where the day ends slowly.

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Open F4.5 and F8

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Because of the softness of the line, I felt that it would be better to narrow down the whole tone.

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Shinjuku station is just a shower when you come back.
It is like summer.

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It was raining which may have taken a good shot if you move a little more and set an angle, but this lens is not easy to handle.

Along the Tamagawa River that was taken a while ago
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I wonder why the lens length is long and it is difficult for the aperture and focus to be far from the camera monitor.
Is it that the balance is bad with α7?

Bokeh taste

Since it is F4.5 with open, it is not a lens that expresses a large blur,

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As long as you keep the distance longer, it is quite blurry.

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As a comparison between the front subject and the back blur, compared with the 135mm on hand,

Culminar 135mm / F 4.5
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PENTACON electric 135mm / F2.8
160615_DSC 0 ​​755 2 _ electric 135mm

Jupiter-11 135mm / F4.0
DSC 06755 _ 160 055 Jupiter 11

I do not really understand. Lol
Electric is open for F2.8 blur, but the only difference is the focus and color appearance.

It seems I can not see the detailed difference of blurring yet unless it is completely the same frame.

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However, since the minimum shooting distance is different,

Culminar 130cm
Jupiter-11 250cm

It seems there was an advantage that this time the cinema is lost as it is.

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When shooting with just blur, it was usable to be able to take out a bubble blur on sunlight leakage day, but it will be considerably limited if you put the subject in front.
Actually this day I could not find a frame to put something in front.

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Indeed I will turn back to see if I was losing more than other lenses, but I did not feel the benefit of taking it.
Perhaps it’s okay with portraits.

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Pictures of the whole model of clothes like magazines may be good.



Purchase route, repair and versatility, reference at purchase

Although I write as much as possible,
It’s great!

Steinheil Munchen Culminar 135mm / F 4.5 Leica L mount around 1955 Made

I guess this lens is a size that you can say that you can enjoy an old lens with a single mirrorless mirror.

Left Leica Elmer 90 mm: Central Culminar 135mm: right Zeiss Flektogon 35mm

It may be worth taking out if there is a feature of more noteworthy reflection, but I wonder if I could still find a place to be noteworthy.
It is bearish.

The state is
No scattering No scratches. No scuff marks.Oil on aperture Blades but works fine.Smooth and Condition: 8.5 / 10 Cosmetic Condition.10 / 10 Mechanics. Lens Body shows wear. Glass is clean / Clear. No Haze. No Fungus. precise Focus. Please check all pictures for detail.18 Blade Aperture. Smooth Silky Bokeh.

Oil attached to the iris was quite plenty. And it was adhered to the inside lens, so I cleaned it easily.
Well it is suitable for the price.

Leica L mount with minimum shooting distance of 130 cm.
Production is uncertain as much as about 1955, but I think that the condition is good for a sufficient sense of old feeling.

eBay List that there are variations.

If it does not care about the appearance it is likely to buy enough at 10,000 yen.

Well it’s a lens that absolutely can not be advanced for beginners.

Looking back and analyzing the pictures that I thought was able to be successful

I was able to take interesting timing and frames.

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Although the heat is not transmitted because the line is soft, it can be said that it is a good shot if it is regarded as goodness of this lens.

reflection, analysis of a little missing picture

Whether to rematch the lens, it is rather delicate whether to decorate this lens.
Every one feels a little missing picture.

I think there are no bad parts to mention, but there are also good parts.
The minimum shooting distance of 130 cm may be a nice part, but it is hard to use with shadow parts becoming shallow as if they contain commodity photographs.

Directing direction of shooting, as a portrait lens

I think that it can be used for portrait.
However, the sense of distance seems to be limited.

I think that if 135mm and portrait it is narrow portrait it will be impossible to see anything else, so it seems that variation is difficult if it is a portrait picture that mostly occupies the focal plane.

Around where I walked

Shinjuku Central Park seemed to fit 135mm if there were many distant landscapes,

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It is not suitable for town taking a bit without anything or anything.
I think that it is a good space to relax.

shooting information

Camera is SONY α7ii, image quality raw uncompressed.


The development software is Photoshop CS6 raw, and depending on the photograph, it may adjust the “exposure amount” to some extent, but it is often taken out as it is.
The aperture is open to F4.5 ~ F8, the shutter speed is 1/200 as the axis to reduce blur, the ISO used priority for the aperture nuance last.

The white balance is almost automatic, and in the latter half and rainy weather is “cloudy.”
The photo of the bank on the Tamagawa river was Auto.