10 May 2017神無月
Zeiss Ikon Novar-Anastigmat 75mm with 3D Printer Mount. I found an unusual variety!
I have found a very impressive eBay enclosure that made lenses for mid-range cameras 3D printers to make helicoid parts and M42 mounts. There is no reason not to worry about the inhabitants of the lens swamp.
Lens and manufacturer introduction
Carl Zeiss Ikon Novar-Anastigmat 75mm F4.5
It looks like a bottle of light oil.
Roughly looking at the web, it seems that it was used for film cameras naturally used as a film camera made by Zeiss Ikon around the 1930s – 1950s, and if 75mm F4.5 it is comparatively affordable version called NETTAR It seems that it was a camera lens.
Since I see the name of Novar – Anastigmat whose F value and angle of view are different even for high price cameras such as IKONTA, CONTINA and IKOFLEX, was it a lens that was on the market as it was?
It seems that I attached a characteristic M42 helicoid that I output with a 3D printer to that lens.
It is a warm innovation.
Since it is M42 mount it can be mounted on 5D. There is no problem with mirror interference at all.
It will be a wonderfully strange and fun camera when attached. I also felt the gaze of the people going further than usual.
Although it understood after installing, it is the lens of 75mm in size whether it is a lens for the middle size, but it was almost the same field angle of 50mm when it was 5D.
It was a bit disappointing because I thought that I had a lens that changed in a medium and telephoto situation because I thought that it was a nice touch, but I was looking forward to the day of town photography as I took a good feel.
Today’s Agenda
· It is a lens that feels aggressive, but it is verified whether it was not a waste of money
· Started from Setagaya Hachimangu Shrine of Miyasaka Station on the Setagaya Line, which was photographed with a rare battery last time.
Validation such as blurring, sharpness, coloring etc. according to the street walking
Since it is not a lens that expects to be released F4.5 and blur, I shoot at about F8.0 which is talking with the aperture standard.
First of all, contrary to anticipation, it is quite sharp.
Or whether the lens condition is good or not balanced not feel old at all.
Turn this to the sky, if you feel like this dark area, do not worry too much about halation and it seems to be okay.
The shadow is tightened and a slightly rough line pulls the contrast.
There is no problem with coloring, neither the resolution nor sharpness feels the age at all. It is easier to shoot than anything else.
Previously, I had Konishiroku Hexar 50mm of age, but due to lens cloudiness, it became quite soft focus and it was hard to use, this time it was an old lens, so I was worried about somewhat, but at all Have fears.
Novar – Anastigmat, where the breeze blows often shows up.
There are some kind of exhibits in front of Miyanosaka station.
Here is the Setagaya line of Taisho era. It seems that Enoshi of Kamakura also ran along the way.
By the way, the mind that the making of routes looks similar.
I put it inside.
I tried to incorporate a little blur in the opening, but it was a focused surface, and it was a great sharp though there was a distance. But a line with a very gentle taste. It is not like any lens ever.
No, it also fits this nostalgy atmosphere inside the car.
I found 3 triplet triplet type lens composition when writing this article.
It has recently been known that the lens configuration predicts depiction to some extent, so we should check this area beforehand. I learned.
Stability and color are perfect, yet there is texture like a film. Does everyone in the middle lens look like this?
It is a fairly small pancake lens when you remove the mounting part, but it looks frightening.
The sunshine entered and the expression changed, but enough flavor.
Go outside and go to the Setagaya line home. It is shade, but expression power that is too much.
I did not know well which way the era and myself were heading.
Move to Shimotakaido
I left a long stay for the old train but I will start moving today. Take the Setagaya line from Miyanosaka station.
Let’s go down to the end point for a peaceful Setagaya line down to Shimotakaido.
When you get off the signboard with atmosphere with your right hand.
You should go. Today is Shimotakaido decision.
It is not as big a market as the image, but it was a busy place.
Still, the shop in the back is also feeling a bit lonely with relocation and closing posters.
There were snacks and delicious things, but moved outside the market with a feeling that it was not calmer yet.
The texture of the focused surface tree is nice.
Although the backside blur, the outline remains, it can not be said to be hard blur, it is gentle blur, but nevertheless it is kindness different from Helios 44 and Xener.
The light from the left was a bit strong, but I was not concerned about halide pure hood of 3D printer output or halation.
Although it is a matter of anything, Pinto is aligned with “Chopin’s Letter” on the second center shelf above the right center. It is something the eyes will see.
The back was unexpectedly blurred.
If it is a triplet type of 3 groups, it seems to be a well-balanced type to the four corners compared to the Gauss type such as Helios, so does the expression of the blur and the focus surface become points?
As I have written many times, the focusing surface is perfect.
Do you think that the lens has only advanced in a convenient direction, thinking that it was already completed so far in the 1930 to 1950 era of this lens? Somehow I knew, but I guess it is so.
Further fluffy shopping street.
The northern part of Shimotakaido Station where there is a market is a relatively old cityscape and it is easy to shoot.
Recently, I understand it probably, but old city skylines think that the reflection of light is soft. I think that walls etc. will surely absorb reflections and softly disperse.
With the city streets where there are many chain shops, it seems that the light reflects strongly with a feeling like irregular reflection.
Especially the old lens is weak in the coating of the lens, it is weak against strong light, so it is easy to influence.
On that side, I think that the north side of Shimotakaido is relatively old-lens town that is easy to take.
A sky that will go towards the summer. The sharpness of the clouds is nice.
It is a very selfish image, but I also seemed to resemble the dark side of the Showa photographer I used to see often.
I feel that the texture of the old old lens and the depiction power of Canon 5D are matched.
I never thought that it was delicate like Leica, but it is a unique depiction that is unprecedented among the lenses I have tried so far.
Although Schneider Xenon feels that this line and contrast are going to come out, I feel that Anastigmat has goodness of roughness.
On the other hand, if you open the iris, this gentle picture can be expressed without difficulty.
I have been feeling that I have praised any lens anyway recently.
Well, I should praise this personality.
I want to put such a catch phrase “I want to take more” lens. It is something crappy.
This deep blur is a bit rough. Although it is not good even if it is noisy, there seems to be some problem of aberration.
But maybe I thought that the balance with the focusing side is good, I might have fallen in love with this lens.
Purchase route, repair and versatility, reference at purchase
Carl Zeiss Ikon Novar-Anastigmat 75mm F4.5
Triplet type with the shortest shooting distance of 110 cm, 10 pieces of feathers, 3 groups of 3 lenses.
As usual eBay vintageglas 1272 transaction history 100% Positive feedback buyers purchased at 10,587 yen including a lot.
There were lots of product descriptions, but most of them are lens specifications, remodeling talks, M42 mounting, etc.
The lens barrel has some small scratches, but it is in good condition overall. The lens is in good condition, there is no scratch or mold. There is a little dust between the lenses, but it is normal for lenses of this age.
Feeling like.
I think the lens that I received is in a very good condition so that you can see it in the photos on the post. I think that it is reasonable if you subtract the aging from manufacturing.
Because there is no knowledge of film camera at all, I do not understand the meaning of various things well, but as explanation also explained that all the shutter mechanism of contents etc have been removed, there is nothing like that that is broken in something It seems.
By the way, the name Anastigmat seems to have not been a name because it comes out as “it is a lens correcting aberration and curvature of the image plane, it is used for most of the photographic lens”.
It is like the notation of an ASPH (Aspherical) aspheric lens now called. So it may be correct to call it like Novar F 4.5 75mm.
When purchasing
Novar-Anastigmat on eBay
Even if I look for it, only spring cameras will come out.
Even if you buy this, it might be fun, but it seems to be variously more than the purchase price and it is a bit scary.
If you are interested in this kind of lenslike Novar,how about watching this seller?
In the same way we still have sold some models that output older lenses with 3D printers.
Because there are many SONY E mounts, it will be for almost α 7 series, but as it seems that we have sold old lenses so far, another thing may come out after a while.
Actually I already bought a bottle of Voigtlander. Because I bought it yesterday it is still a while to arrive. Naturally I write articles as well.
With one point attention, the angle of view of 75mm this time is 75mm, and in Canon 5 D of 35 mm single lens reflex, it was almost 50mm in angle of view, so 35 mm lens with a wide angle of view is smaller and wide angle and the four corners are kelatized completely It may become a round photograph.
I do not know well about Nakayama because I do not understand well because there is no knowledge of this neighborhood film.
About mounting
Canon 5 Dmark III (Canon EF Mount), SONY α 7 (SONY E Mount, also called NEX) could be used without problem. This area.
[us_mountSelect something="M42_EF"]
Since the mount may not be used successfully due to interference etc. with the camera, please use it for your own camera use.
In addition, I wroteMount articlesas contents for beginners. If you have doubts on the mount, please do.
Flare, Ghost, Halation
Although the genuine hood of the 3D printer output is attached, the angle at which the light easily enters the lens which said to the driftstone is a little halation.
It caused a halation completely, but it is a slightly unusual atmosphere.
Because the lens is small, the halation goes around, and the shadow seems to be whitening evenly.
This may be interesting in this.
reflection, analysis of a little missing picture
The sky in the mirror in the upper right came out as imagined, but the bike is a bit dark.
I will not translate it if it corrects, but it is posted as a memorandum as to whether the arm will not rise.
Comparison of aperture and shutter speed
Aperture F4.5, shutter speed 1/1000, ISO 250
Aperture F 8.0, shutter speed 1/1000, ISO 1000
The difference on the blur on the right side is easy to understand, but I can not see the difference by looking at the focusing side.
I feel easy to understand the area around iron rust, but I do not know if I do not see it well.
It is an interesting lens.
Directing direction of shooting, as a portrait lens
I do not wanna take pictures of people
It will be the most important point of how the skin comes out, but at least if it is a street shot and it is the frame of the eyeball, it will be an absolutely good taste.
Walking around “Shimo-Takaido”
City recommendation degree ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ = 4

Because the north side of the station is easy to take as the cityscape, we can recommend this side.
On the other hand, the south side is crowded, but since there are many chain stores and there are not many characteristics, it is suitable for town photography.
Also, as there are few places to take a break after a town shoot, it may be better to decide a store firmly while walking.
There was a notice board in the area around this, and it was written that there was redevelopment in the vicinity.
So it may be that there are retired stores.
It is sad that the walking-like place will disappear, but I guess it can not be helped in the flow of Japan.
The south side of the station is completely the shopping area of this time.
There seems to be a school, young people going back and forth abundantly, but there was lively atmosphere, I wonder if it is atmosphere of town shooting.
I decided to finish today without deciding the next place here.
I am planning to start with Shimotakaido on the Keio Line.
Shooting camera information
Canon 5 D mark III

Since the camera is 5 Dmark III, the image quality is raw uncompressed shooting only and does not leave jpg, the picture style is standard, but since it should not be reflected in raw, I think that it does not matter at all.
Recently, I think that the shooting monitor of the camera will be unreliable except exposure.
Since the balance of the composition in the frame looks completely different also in the confirmation of the composition, I try not to mind so much and to be conscious of the frame that I saw at first.
Because the balance of the composition is bad due to checking the monitor and the thing that I shot again is that it often feels like a painting that I made something when I look at it later.
Raw development
Since development is Adobe Bridge CC 2017 and we want to leave the characteristics of the lens in the photograph, the adjustment is limited to the extent that the brightness is adjusted with a minimum amount of exposure.
For comparative photographs etc., white balance may be the same.
This time is always F8.0, I decided to release F4.5 when I wanted to blur this frame even a little.
Shutter speed
Since it is outside daytime this time, it was about 1/500 to 1/1000.
Because of the old lens, the exposure measurement of the camera is pretty shaky depending on the lens and diaphragm and it only matches roughly, so it’s a touch to match while taking.
White balance
It was always auto.
Recently the number of characters and pictures has increased and I do not think that it is difficult to read, but I wonder if there is something I want to put on and what I can write
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